What Insurance Does A Real Estate Agent Nee

How to Start Real Estate Business? - IndiaFilings

A piece of security in an emergency. The job of a real estate agent is varied. When brokering land, houses or apartments in cooperation with real estate sellers and buyers in Condo U Kaset Nawamin( คอนโด ยู เกษตรนวมินทร์ which is the term in Thai), real estate agents have both a great responsibility and various risks . If something goes wrong in the real estate business, it can threaten not only the professional but also the private existence of a broker. Some insurance policies are therefore indispensable: grimmobilien explains why it is advisable to take out the following insurance policies for real estate agents.

Financial Loss Liability Insurance

Real estate agents first take on an advisory role before it is finally concluded. In the case of real estate transactions, large sums can quickly be involved. And this is where the risk lies: If a real estate agent makes mistakes or misses deadlines when advising, this can result in high financial damage (no personal injury or property damage) for his clients . In the event of unsecured damage, both the business and private assets of a real estate agent are used.

However , if there is a pecuniary damage liability insurance policy , real estate agents are usually protected against third-party claims arising from pecuniary damage in the course of their professional activities.

Professional Liability Insurance For Real Estate Agents

Depending on the size of the company makes sense. If real estate agents have their own or rented office space and employees, personal injury and property damage are also a risk. Because if customers or employees are physically damaged within the office space or if the property of a third party is damaged by the broker or his employees, real estate agents must pay for it.

Personal injury or damage to property can, depending on the case, be high claims for damages or compensation for pain and suffering. In order to regulate such damage, it is advisable for real estate agents to adjust the professional liability insurance for real estate agents : This means that real estate agents are armed not only in the event of financial loss, but also against personal injury and property damage.