5 steps to choosing a windows and doors installer

Searching for the perfect installer for your windows and doors is the best thing you can to protect your investment in upgrading the facade of your home. It is expedient to search for the right installer to have the best result possible. However, you need to find at least three to five installers, whom you will compare, their offers and suitability following the five steps below.

Step 1: Find Installers Near You

You need to find suitable installers around you. Ask colleagues, neighbours, family, and friends for recommendations. You can also search the internet for installers near you. Compile the names and contacts of installers you are considering to hire for the project. It is important to pre-screen them to avoid gathering an excessive number of installers that may leave you confused in the long run.

Step 2: Verify Their Licenses and Certifications

To avoid hiring impostors and installers that are not duly licensed, check their websites for their registration with the regulatory agencies. You can also contact them, stating your willingness to hire them for your windows and doors installation. However, you need to know if they are properly licensed and with which bodies. This will enable the installers to provide you with their registration numbers and other details to verify with the appropriate bodies.

Step 3: Check Their Experience

Another critical step that will have a significant impact on your windows and doors installation is the experience of the installer you choose for your project. Keep in mind that poor installation can void the warranty on the products. As a result, you need to compare and confirm the experience of the installers. Read customers’ reviews about the services received from the installers on their websites. Besides, ask for references and ensure to confirm from those clients.

Step 4: Compare Prices

Price is another factor that can determine your experience with the installers. Compare the prices quoted for windows and doors of the same types, materials, sizes, and energy efficiency. Choose the installer with the fairest prices without ignoring the quality of the products. Meanwhile, you should avoid installers with ridiculously low prices; something may be fishy.

Step 5: Check the Warranty

A warranty must be provided for the windows and doors you are purchasing. Read the related warranty to benefit from it in the event of a need for it. Ensure that you understand the terms of the warranties clearly. Compare the warranty given by each installer and choose the installer whose warranty offers more value.


Follow the tips above to choose the right installer for your windows and doors installation. Following the information will give you more value for your money.