Does office furniture increase productivity?

Many people wonder how come Office desk set [โต๊ะ เก้าอี้ สำนักงาน, which is the term in Thai] increase the productivity of work. It is a very well-known fact that employees always admire a good atmosphere at their workplace. They would be more efficient and productive if they feel comfortable during work. Not only the behavior…

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How does an aircon work?

Singapore and air conditioners have an unbreakable bond. Perpetually hot weather with high humidity is a way of life in Singapore. Air conditioners make the surroundings cold, moisture-free, and tolerable. With the flick of a button, your room can be cooled within minutes. Let’s understand how this magical appliance works. Before we understand the working…

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Facilities provided by the apartments 

People nowadays prefer to live in apartments rather than in their personal house. Finding a suitable apartment has become quite easy you just have to decide and note down the facilities you want in your apartment and which type of apartment is suited for you. MN apartment sales give you some of the best deals…

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Invest your money in a healthy ergonomic chair

There are a variety of chairs available in the market but the one that takes the cake is a Healthy Ergonomic chair [เก้าอี้ ทำงาน เพื่อ สุขภาพ, which is the term in Thai]. Ergonomic chairs are the most preferred type of office chair as it offers both health and comfort. These chairs are adjustable which increases…

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